O turi
Ova tura je usmjerena jutarnjem buđenju na moru i uživanju u mirnoći i tišini jutra na moru prije nego što uprži sunce i plaže i more se popuni turistima Na turi pratimo obalu Pule i njenu zanimljivu povijest, ulazimo u kanjon te spoznajemo njegovu nevjerojatnu visinu, ako vam i to nije dosta imamo posebnu lokaciju tokom ture na kojoj se možete iskušati u cliff jumpingu odnosno u skokovima u more s velikih visina. First, we enter a canyon and experience its great height, if that is not enough we have a special point on the tour for cliff jumping. After you experience all the heights of the cliffs we settle down on the shallow waters between the island and mainland to experience a calm morning on the sea. At the end we visit a small cave with an interesting history.